Proud to Be MADICO MADE and Pioneer Harvest Event Shirts

Proud to Be MADICO MADE and Pioneer Harvest Event Shirts
Hot off the press! 2022 Pioneer Harvest Festival shirt designs are here!
Stop by the Magnolia Loom booth under the green awning at the Festival to pick up one of these awesome designs.
Magnolia Loom is a Georgia Grown company that will be at Pioneer Harvest Festival selling event t-shirts and Proud to be MADICO MADE shirts! From seed to shirt, Magnolia Loom pocket T’s come from cotton that is grown and processed in Georgia.
Each shirt will be on sale at the festival for $30.00 with a percentage of the sales benefitting the Madison County Chamber of Commerce. So, you can support Georgia farmers and your local business community with one purchase!
Once you purchase a shirt, MOVE AROUND MADICO and post selfies wearing your shirt at local destinations and businesses for a chance to win a gift basket from Home Grown Market full of Georgia Grown and MADICO MADE goodies. Be certain to tag the Chamber page in your photos to enter. Contest ends 1/7/23. Here are some ideas:
#madicomade #movearoundmadico #madisoncountyga #georgiagrown #tourism #pioneerharvest #exploregeorgia